So yesterday for the first time, my sweet Labradoodle got stung by a bee on her pad of her right paw. I wasn't sure what to do right away but as it was swelling up I figured I need to try something right away till I could read up on what to do! Boo Boo stick to the rescue! I applied it the pad of her foot, right away and again before bedtime. With in the hour I could tell it was feeling a little better and she was limping a little less. Now 16 hours later her paw is looking almost back to normal! I applied it one more time a few minutes ago! I can't not tell you how much I love having a product that I can keep in my purse, that helps my kids, myself and even my dog. We use it for bug bites, itches, boo boos, sunburns, "imaginary" boo boos...all in one very simple to apply and carry Boo boo Stick. Contact me if you would like to know more, or even order one of these Amazing Boo Boo Stick!!