
Labradoodle vs. Bee Sting

So yesterday for the first time, my sweet Labradoodle got stung by a bee on her pad of her right paw.  I wasn't sure what to do right away but as it was swelling up I figured I need to try something right away till I could read up on what to do! Boo Boo stick to the rescue!  I applied it the pad of her foot, right away and again before bedtime.  With in the hour I could tell it was feeling a little better and she was limping a little less.  Now 16 hours later her paw is looking almost back to normal!  I applied it one more time a few minutes ago! I can't not tell you how much I love having a product that I can keep in my purse, that helps my kids, myself and even my dog.   We use it for bug bites, itches, boo boos, sunburns, "imaginary" boo boos...all in one very simple to apply and carry Boo boo Stick. Contact me if you would like to know more, or even order one of these Amazing Boo Boo Stick!!

Nail Polish Finding a Non Toxic Option

Nail Polish has been on my wish list to change in my home.  With girls in this house, and it being summer time, who doesn't want to have pretty painted toes to wear in summer sandals.   BUT I know the chemical in nail Polish can't be good, the smell alone makes my head hurt, but I still use it? What? Why? Problems with Nail Polish Nail polishes often include: Toulene– A chemical known to cause reproductive harm and dizziness. It is also found in gasoline and the CDC warns that it can cause central nervous system problems. Formaldehyde– This known carcinogen is found in many nail polishes. It is also used to preserve dead things and when used in lab preparations, there are strict warnings to avoid inhalation or skin contact. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) - This chemical is banned in Europe and is known to cause reproductive problems, especially in boys. The Environmental working group classifies this chemical as the highest danger level and war...

June 2016 Pure Haven Essentials Specials

website:  Pure Haven Essentials At the beginning of each month I will post the amazing specials that Pure Haven Essentials offers.  Please contact me if you would like to be a host, online host,  or just order these amazing Non Toxic products.   I don't sell this because I "need to"  I sell them because  I hope to educate people about the Toxic chemicals in our every day products,  and I want to provide your family with an option of Non Toxic products for everyone! 

Keeping me moving....

Love my Fitbit… I’ve had it on for 1.5 years now….           What does it do for me??  It helps me understand just how much movement I do or don’t.  When I need I get moving again and keeps me from “guessing” that I am moving enough… I started out just learning how much I move in a day, and how much sleep I get.  Now after a year I am working hard at reaching daily 10,000 steps. I also have add a goal of tracking my water intake, to help me be accountable that I am drink enough water each day to help my body work well. Small steps lead to big changes…start small, start big but just start! You can do it! Check out Fitbit for more information:  Fitbit

Welcome Transforming our Health

Transforming our Health was started about 2 years ago with a simple question from my doctor after my blood work came back with my good Cholesterol going down and the bad going up. She said "could you for 3 months remove all HFC=High Fructose Corn Syrupy from your diet and we can retest"  So I did....and after 3 months my blood test showed a huge change for the positive!   And well that started on "Transforming our Health". The journey has taken me through learning about all the toxic chemicals found in our food and in our daily products.... Now I want to share my journey with you in hope to inspire you to take that Step forward to better health for yourself and your family.